Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sledriding on the 4th of July, Mount Baker, WA

Oh the joy of flying down a hillside on a sled! As Jackson and I got ourselves arranged on the sled at the top of the hill, I asked myself if this was such a good idea. This was a different kind of sled from what we used in the old days. Did I even remember how this was done?

I've skied fairly recently, but haven't done any sled riding for many years. My four-year-old grandson deserved to come out of this experience without me piled on top of him! As we started down the hill at quite a rapid pace, many memories of fun times in the snow came to mind. I remember our Doberman Pinscher chasing us down the hill and just occasionally trying to "save" us by nabbing some part of our clothes!

Jackson and I had a great, exhilarating ride!....and on the 4th of July? That's a first for me!

How many times have you been at the point of making a decision before letting it all go?
Have there been times that your hesitation has kept you from a great experience or business opportunity?

Elizabeth and Jackson speeding down the hill!

Here comes a snowball!

Amy and Maxwell take a turn

Jackson and his dad head up the hill

Thomas gets a ride with his mom, Elizabeth.

Story time

Oh the fun of playing in puddles!


Amy with Maxwell in the backpack

Lunch by the lake
My hiking boots in the foreground and yes, Jackson had been in the frigid water ( very briefly and only up to his calves). He thought it would be great to swim here. Thomas is in the center and Maxwell to the right.

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